Somewhere along the way, cats must have learned that their meowing was effective in grabbing attention from their humans. Not all cats talk as much as others though. Siamese cats are known for being ...
Though a lot of animals sound similar, there are always a few who stick out in the crowd. Whether they sound like they’re talking or just have a funny voice, if your pet sounds special, there ...
The saying next to the cartoon cat licking its bottom is “Because I can ... Bottom line: a little prevention and stretching can go a long way. Stretching is the cat’s meow. Now excuse me, I must ...
It's common for cats to be glued to the window, staring or sometimes meowing into what seems like the abyss. But chances are there is a reason for the cat's meows. An article from Catster shared ...
"Flow" is an animated film from Latvia that stars a dark cat, a yellow Lab, a ring-tailed lemur, a capybara, and a ...
The film is affecting, but it is not a standard cutesy cartoon. The animals have no names. They are not voiced by celebrities. In fact, there's no human speech at all. (SOUNDBITE OF CAT MEOWING ...