These include villains who represent the opposite of his morals or those who can throw the Flag-Wavin' man for a loop. One of the darkest Captain America villains is even a brutal mirror image of ...
Brave New World introduced many new and returning heroes and villains, though some are far more threatening than others.
Marvel's dismissal of Serpent Society's nuanced villains reflects a lack of faithfulness ... the downsized Serpent Society in Captain America: Brave New World disappointed fans.
Brave New World director Julius Onah breaks down the choice to carefully reveal Tim Blake Nelson as the film's villain.
In addition to Eposito's Sidewinder, one character ... divisive look was changed Captain America: Brave New World director explains why "incredible" WWE Superstar's villain was cut from the ...
Check out this new look at Captain America: Brave New World in the player below. recently caught up with Sam Wilson actor Anthony Mackie and asked which Marvel villains he'd like ...