Dogs that have oral squamous cell carcinomas often need surgery that disfigures their jaws and lower their quality of ...
Last year, the hospital’s former superintendent Kao Mao-jen (高茂仁) and veterinarian Hung Yi-ping (洪一平) were convicted of ...
ELIAS Animal Health, a companion animal cancer therapeutics company, shared today that the USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics (USDA CVB) issued a full approval for its ELIAS Cancer Immunotherapy ...
But inflammation was much milder in mice that couldn’t scratch because they wore tiny “cones of shame” (like dogs wear after surgery), and in the special ... They measured ear thickness, immune cell ...
Vets removed nine-year-old Calvin’s scapula — his shoulder blade —along with all traces of his tumor while keeping his leg ...
My Golden Retriever, "Jasmine," was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. I'm devastated. She seemed to tire easily, so I took her to the vet for a checkup, where ...
Canine mammary tumors are the most frequently observed cancer in female dogs, with an incidence that rivals the prevalence of breast cancer in humans. These ...
What do you think? By Michael Gonchar If you own a dog, perhaps not as well as you think, a new study says. By Jeremy Engle We invite students to write public-facing letters to people or ...