Here is a guide for planning a bridal shower that exudes all the glamour and thrill of a casino can be a unique way to make ...
Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission ...
DEAR GOING: Forget about the shower and wedding gift. If you feel generously inclined, send the happy couple a nice card. If ...
DEAR ABBY: I was invited to my niece’s wedding, and we immediately RSVP’d “yes.” I was also invited by her sister to her bridal shower and responded affirmatively. I have a service dog I take with me ...
I was also invited by her sister to her bridal shower and responded affirmatively ... it was wrong to rescind your invitation(s). Your dog would have been well behaved and wouldn’t have caused ...
Paniz Saatsaz's maid of honor, Parisa Jannesari, gifted her a 'letters to the bride' book for her bridal shower. 'I needed to wipe my tears after every sentence with each letter,' Saatsaz says.
A woman says her cousin has left family members feeling "insulted" after getting their names wrong on her wedding shower ...
"Does she not know our actual names?" the bride's cousin wrote on Reddit Erin Clack is a Staff Editor for PEOPLE. She has been writing about fashion, parenting and pop culture for more than 15 years.
Everyone remembers the childhood games of musical chairs and hot potato. This game combines the two for a fun wedding-style game. To play the game, guests will sit in a large circle. When music is ...
While engagement gifts are all about celebrating the couple, and wedding gifts are about helping them create their new life, ...