And that was before the pandemic, when backyard chicken coops started surging in popularity. In today’s economy, where a ...
Discover the latest on the avian influenza outbreak affecting wild birds, poultry, dairy cows, and humans in Michigan.
Experts say bird feeders are generally safe and aren’t a notable source of spreading bird flu. But if you also keep backyard ...
UT Agriculture extension agent Evangelon James teaching a class about what to know before buying and raising chickens.
Outbreaks of avian influenza, also known as the H5N1 virus, have led to the killing of millions of turkeys, chickens and ...
State officials are looking into what caused a case of avian flu that was identified at the CNY Regional Market.
The Montana Department of Livestock confirmed avian influenza in a backyard poultry flock in Gallatin County. The flock ...
State of Michigan officials have confirmed a new case of bird flu among backyard poultry in the Lansing area.
An H5N1 infection can be fatal for domestic animals, but there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of them catching ...