Here is a look at the NEET UG 2025 syllabus and answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Biology subject.
The legendary robbers ‘Schinderhannes’ and ‘Schwarzer Jonas’ were executed by guillo-tine in Mainz in 1803. In 1805, the first chair holder of anatomy at the University of Hei-delberg, Jacob Fidelis ...
The animal physiology teaching laboratory is located on the 4th floor of Carnegie Science. Courses in Animal Physiology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Seminar and Research in Physiology are taught in ...
Made by combining several emerging technologies, human “bodyoids” could reduce animal testing, improve drug development, and alleviate organ shortages.
"I'm not aware of any measure you can make of the human brain where the male and female distributions don't overlap," ...
One halcyon spring day in 1903, the 69-year-old anatomist and naturalist Dr. James Bell Pettigrew sat at the top of a sloping ...
The concept includes anatomy, physiology, cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics, and covers all organisms from microorganisms, animals to plants. We developed Paired-Damage-seq to profile ...
Common University Entrance Test CUET provides admission to central, state, and private universities. If you are in 12th then you have to register for this exam. This exam will be conducted between 8th ...
For many thoughtful people, it is hardly unusual to end up bearing sundry articles of refuse on their person for considerable durations, in order to properly dispose of it later. In many parts of the ...
By Shannon Lukens. SoRoCo High School has received a very generous gift of an Anatomage Dissection Table. It’s a digital ...
Murray’s original law (Q α D P) dictates that the exponent (P) is 3.0, whilst constant blood velocity throughout the system would suggest an exponent of 2.0. In human coronary arteries ...
Traces of the transition from fins to limbs linger in the human body, Shubin said, with implications for biomedical research. Our ability to provide a voice for scientists and engineers and to advance ...