Biblical Discipleship with Modern Tools In a world rapidly evolving through technology, faith-based discipleship must also adapt. Pastor Chris Buscher, founder of The Ark, is leading a movement that ...
The spiritual life is an arduous task. God cloths himself in mystery and so the process of discerning his will and knowing ...
They lined up on March 2, ready to enter the baptistry at First Southern Baptist Church. College athletes, all of them.
Children surprise us. A young child had a school assignment. She asked her mother where she came from. Her mother said, “A stork brought you.” She then asked, ...
Cubs to Lions is a discipleship program designed for Muslim-background believers. Georges Houssney with Horizons ...
The goal of the three-week Lighthouse trip to Hungary was one of fellowship and community. Over the course of January, a ...
There are only 15 days left of filming on Season 5 of The Chosen, the Bible-based historical drama that has shaken up how ...
Things just aren’t the same around here.” I have heard statements like this throughout my ministry, often in response to ...
While I am not suggesting a full-scale rejection of the use of screens or technology in church, relying solely on videos ...