Chris Hemsworth's Thor, Anthony Mackie's Captain America, Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes, Paul Rudd's Ant-Man and Tom Hiddleston's Loki are all back in the Avengers ensemble.
From the Shire to Mount Doom, Frodo’s path was mapped with the Church calendar in mind — a quiet testament to Tolkien’s Catholic imagination.
The movie not only welcomed back original cast members like Sandra Bullock as FBI agent Gracie Hart and William Shatner as ...
The Battle of Margate, 1387 - Honestly, this really happened! As part of the Hundred Years’ War, an English fleet of warships ...
Under the Sun“ A monthly column of random, historical vignettes... The post Putin & Napoleon: A True Story of Overreach, ...
TWD fans will want to check out this new trailer for Season 2 of The Walking Dead: Dead City that sees Negan and Maggie clash ...
Eddie Jordan, the fast-talking Dubliner who famously gave Michael Schumacher his debut, made his name in Formula One before ...
Democratic strategist Carville also drew fire for advising Democrats to lay low for the time being. Southernizing Napoleon's ...