Ancient silver hoard from Megiddo may reveal new evidence of Pharaoh Thutmose III’s 15th-century B.C. military campaign.
Feast your imagination on a brilliant, brand new Hunger Games adventure, get lost in the mists of time with a thrilling ...
Continuing our Art Deco Centenary series, we take a look at Paris's Le Louxor movie theatre, a trove of Egyptian revival in ...
The banner year that started when Thutmose II's final resting place was identified in February near the Valley of the Kings ...
At the site of Tombos, archaeologists have found that less-affluent laborers may be buried with upper-class people in pyramid ...
When Paul mentioned Jannes and Jambres in 2 Timothy 3:8, his audience likely knew who these men were, but readers today often ...
These historical trade arteries connect cities and castles, palaces and pagodas and they provide easy transport routes ...