An ancient cerapodan dinosaur fossil discovered in Morocco has been identified as the oldest of its kind, shedding light on ...
The Greek islands are famous for their beauty. Some of them are synonyms of summer holidays and they are very popular tourist ...
The 4 attractions at Sentosa 4D AdventureLand are: Haunted Mine Ride 4D: A simulated ride that takes you through a spooky ...
Scientists recreate ancient proto-feathers in chicken embryos, revealing evolutionary resilience in feather development.
The blue-headed quail dove is a uniquely ancient species with no close relatives and is now on the brink of extinction. At ...
"Recovering threatened and endangered species is bigger than any one community or agency." Officials reveal astonishing ...
Twitter’s iconic bird logo that was removed from the company’s former San Francisco headquarters when Elon Musk took over the ...
ASTANA – On National Sports Day, celebrated on March 20 as part of the ten-day Nauryz festivities, The Astana Times ...
Silver has been central to economic systems since ancient Judaea, where Tyrian shekels dominated temple taxes and trade under ...
Researchers sequenced the DNA of Cuban blue-headed quail dove, expecting clear origins. Instead, they found it has no close ...
These prehistoric birds have likely traveled through Nebraska as part of their migration route for many thousands of years or more. This route takes cranes from summering areas in Texas ...