We believe that by purchasing these royalties we have improved the value of these prospective properties by eliminating the royalties. All three properties have significant historical drill ...
The “microseepage” of oil in the region led to the government commissioning a survey to see if it was commercially viable to ...
Infinity Mining has identified the mineral pyrrhotite in drill core at its Cangai copper project in New South Wales, ...
Sarytogan Graphite has identified a third copper prospect only a year after pegging ground on the western flanks of the ...
Mount Hope Mining has reprocessed aeromagnetic data and zeroed in on highly prospective copper exploration targets at its ...
Noronex Limited has been granted two strategic Botswanan prospecting licences on the Namibia-Botswana border, contiguous with ...
Following work on compiling and interpreting aeromagnetic and Lidar data ... completion of an Induced Polarization ("IP") geophysical survey at its Frenchvale Graphite Property (the "Property ...