CESTAT Delhi held that FOB value is the transaction value and customs officer has no right to interfere/ modify the FOB value of the goods. Thus, appeal of exporter’s allowed and order set aside.
ITAT Mumbai held that change of method of accounting from mercantile to cash system for recording interest income on loan due to financial distress at the end of borrower is justifiable and legitimate ...
Many companies now don’t require candidates to submit cover letters. But should you still submit them? The author argues that ...
On track for multiple clinical updates through mid-2026, including further progress from two ongoing clinical programs and initiation of ...
Perhaps one day the New York Times will need to start recycling old words, but there's an awful lot of viable five-letter words to choose from, so for now you can feel free to use this archive to ...
Plus: Local legends come correct, from son of SF rave gawd Cahl Sel's ravetime to Reds, Pinks and Purples' sadcore savant.
Who can deny that ZANU-PF is teetering on the brink? As factional fighting within the ruling ZANU-PF intensifies - and even threatens to get ugly with the ...