Criminal Court Statistics show that the backlogs in both Crown and Magistrates’ Courts continue to grow. There were 74,651 ...
“Prisons are insufficiently motivated to improve property practices”. Taking into consideration the number of property ...
One of the consequences of imprisonment is that prisoners do not have the same freedom to complete day-to-day tasks and access services as they would have in the community. Their ability to get things ...
Probation inspectorate annual report says the service has too few staff, with too little experience and training, managing ...
For offenders assessed at age 18, prolific young offenders had higher levels of need compared to nonprolific young offenders across all eight criminogenic areas: accommodation, employability, ...
The powerful House of Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has today taken issue with the prison building plans of the last and current governments. In a new (14 March 2025) report on Prison Estate ...
The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies and National Women’s Justice Coalition report on creating a criminal justice system which works for women.
The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies and National Women's Justice Coalition report on creating a criminal justice system ...
Institute for Government report lays bare the shockingly high levels of violence, protests and self-harm and severely limited work and education opportunities for prisoners. The new report, which ...