The National Association of the Blind (ANCI) held at the El Trópico de Contramaestre unit the award ceremony of the first edition of the Cuban popular music contest José Cuevas Veranes in Memoriam.
Attention to the population constitutes a priority of our socialist State of law and social justice, aimed at guaranteeing the effective exercise of the rights to complain and petition (Constitution ...
The Joven Club por Cuba campaign reached the Laguna Blanca Popular Council, in the municipality of Contramaestre, as part of the activities developed to bring Joven Club services to the entire ...
When it comes to the Cuban press, the newspaper Patria makes an obligatory stop. Created under José Martí’s pen in 1892, precisely on March 14, this weekly paper is considered the official organ of ...
In the insurrectional struggle of Cubans to overthrow the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista and conquer a Free Cuba, the youth, united in the Revolutionary Directorate, knew how to convulse the ...
The Millionaire Movement in the sugar cane harvest in Cuba was formed on March 3, 1965, which was made up of brigades of highly productive macheteros in sugar cane cutting, throughout the country. It ...
Varadero, Matanzas, Mar 12 (ACN) Olyra Guzmán Proenza is a 26-year-old Cuban with a degree in Geography who presented an innovative project focused on boosting agriculture in Cuba at the World Youth ...
On March 13, 1957, a group of members of the Revolutionary Directorate, led by José Antonio Hecheverría, carried out one of the most impressive actions of the insurrectional struggle: the attack on ...
On March 13, 1957, once again the Cuban youth became the protagonist of the nation’s history. Fulgencio Batista’s tyranny had plunged Cuba into endless social problems and economic shortages; the ...
On the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the foundation of Radio Grito de Baire, we talked with Paco Miranda, an outstanding radio artist in Contramaestre and Cuba. When did you start, Paco, in ...