Paths along the downtown riverfront are at the heart of Missoula's trail network. Walking, bicycling and, in some places, horseback-riding paths along the Clark's Fork of the Columbia River ...
Few communities enjoy a place quite like the 60,000-acre Rattlesnake National Recreation Area and Wilderness just north of Missoula. Here, you'll find a variety of hiking, backpacking, horseback ...
Pattee Canyon has been a favorite Missoula recreation spot since the 1930s, when Civilian Conservation Corps members constructed the first picnic facilities. A downhill ski area was also in ...
For an easygoing outing beyond the city limits, try the trail at Maclay Flat. The path is wide, level and surfaced to accommodate wheelchairs. It takes you along the Bitterroot River and through ...
Named after a well-known Missoula skier, bicyclist and outdoorsman, this trail loops around the southeast portion of Pattee Canyon Recreation Area. You might want to pick up one of Lolo National ...
The Fire Road traverses the face of Mount Sentinel from above the “M” south to Pattee Canyon. Access is at the south end of Maurice Avenue near the University Villages Community Center or from ...
A drive on Forest Road No. 365 up Blue Mountain will give you some tremendous views of the Missoula Valley and, at the right time of the year, an opportunity to visit a working Forest Service lookout.
See the Gallery listings the first Friday of each month in the Entertainer for current shows and displays. Alara Jewelry, 312 N. Higgins Ave., 728-8844. Amira Rug Gallery, 214 E. Main St., 728-9423.
• Attitudinal Healing and the Arts Inc. Provides attitudinal healing support groups at no charge, and workshops and retreats in the areas of attitudinal healing, the arts, and their relationship ...
Missoula has a number of groups dedicated to furthering efforts for world peace. • Citizens for Responsible Crime Policy. Angela Goodhope, field director. (406) 493-0425. E-mail: info@ ...