Fashion Snoops rebrands as Future Snoops, expanding beyond fashion trend forecasting to encompass a broader, more dynamic ...
Mytheresa’s journey to become a world leader in digital luxury shopping began 30 years ago when Susanne and Christoph Botschen opened a boutique in Munich. Nine years later, Mytheresa took the bold ...
Join us for a live recap of the key insights from the most recent fashion weeks. This comprehensive webinar will explore leading trends in women's, young women's, and accessories, including themes, ...
Discover the very latest collections and complete your offer during the Open Days at Trademart in department of fashion & accessories &go. This edition you will discover the latest collections.
The denim industry is a low-key community built on heritage, passion, innovation and connection. We launched our jeans supply chain show in 2004 in New York as a way to connect this denim industry.
Essentiel Antwerp is a global contemporary brand from Antwerp, synonymous with positive energy. Dedicated to fierce, fabulous and fun-loving individuals, the label brings mood-boosting fashion that ...
Maison Tricot has a proud family heritage with over 50 years of experience in the field of knitwear. Being considered true experts in their field, mother Hilde Frunt and son Ilia Eckardt have been ...
Van de Velde, founded in 1919 by the Van de Velde family, creates fashionable lingerie of superior quality with its premium, complementary brands PrimaDonna, Marie Jo and Andres Sarda. We pursue the ...
Madrid – Los títulos de Puig siguen desinflando su valor en la Bolsa española, donde han pasado ya a cotizar en la cota de ...
Victoria Beckham Ltd. nombra a Sybille Darricarrère Lunel como su nueva CEO. Darricarrère Lunel asumirá su nuevo cargo en la ...