South Dakota Gov. Larry Rhoden announced two new additions to an existing Executive Order banning Chinese-related technology ...
A majority of South Dakota lawmakers want the use of eminent domain banned for CO2 pipelines. Now it’s up to Gov. Larry ...
Flanked by Sioux Falls officials and members of law enforcement, Gov. Larry Rhoden announced a proposal to fund an additional squad of Sioux Falls-based troopers for the South Dakota Highway ...
Gov. Larry Rhoden appointed Jack Kolbeck, a former state senator from Sioux Falls, to the open South Dakota House seat for District 13, which includes portions of Lincoln and Minnehaha counties.
Supporters of the plan, including Gov. Larry Rhoden and his predecessor, Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem, insisted ...
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - In light of former South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s state credit card spending that revealed more than $600,000 in charges, Governor Rhoden is ensuring that his ...
Despite record-high homicides last year, Sioux Falls' police chief and mayor are not concerned the uptick will lend itself to ...
Voting for this bill and decriminalizing drug use will send a mixed message to our children.” By John Hult, South Dakota ...
Dakota News Now caught up with South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley on Friday and Gov. Larry Rhoden took some ...
Flanked by Sioux Falls officials and members of law enforcement, Gov. Larry Rhoden announced a proposal to fund an additional squad of Sioux Falls-based troopers for the South Dakota Highway Patrol in ...