Louisiana voters will vote on four proposed constitutional amendments March 29. The amendments address various topics, ...
Austin Fisher A proposed amendment to the New Mexico Constitution that would extend the right to vote to people incarcerated ...
Tennessee House Joint Resolution 49 is making the rounds in the state legislature. It would amend the Tennessee Constitution ...
Two different proposals are aimed at the same thing — reducing home insurance costs. Both would need to be approved by ...
This week on Capitol Chat Laura Cullen Glasscock, editor and publisher of the Frankfort-based Kentucky Gazette highlights ...
Senate Bill 5 was before the Senate Health and Social Services Committee Monday for a hearing. According to the sponsor, ...
Proposed constitutional amendment also would eliminate the elected position of lieutenant governor, which currently is vacant ...
Amendment Three would give state lawmakers the authority to determine which felony crimes that 17-year-old offenders commit to be tried as an adult. That was Senate Bill 2 during the tax session, ...