Torso of Buddha statue unearthed at Ta Prohm Temple, Cambodia. TA PROHM, CAMBODIA—Archaeologists discovered the torso of a ...
While excavating the Ta Prohm temple in Angkor in 1927, a team of archaeologists discovered the head (and only the head) of a ...
Many of us decorate our homes with top-notch luxury items that enhance the beauty of our homes, But if you want to enhance ...
Today, the statue in the New Jersey Buddhist Vihara and Meditation Center has become a hub for interfaith efforts and a ...
These statues represent happniess, protection, and prosperity. The seated or standing Happy Home Buddha holds a parasol over his shoulder. The white parasol or umbrella is said to be a goddess.
The statue’s presumed head was discovered at the same temple in 1927 during the French colonial era, and is currently kept at Cambodia’s main National Museum in the capital Phnom Penh. Neth ...
Simone Dinoia via Unsplash The pieces of a disarticulated statue of Buddha have been reunited nearly a century after the first piece was found at the Ta Prohm Temple in Cambodia, archaeology ...
Dive into the world of the Chinese drama 'The White Olive Tree' by planning a journey to its filming location in Leshan, ...