A stent is tubular in shape and usually made of metal or ceramic. It is designed to keep a part of the coronary artery open. Coronary arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart ...
Vascular surgeons at Doylestown Hospital have pioneered a dissolvable stent that holds clogged arteries open long enough to heal, according to a staff report from TAPinto Doylestown. The Esprit ...
Summary: The use of balloon angioplasty with or without coronary artery stenting is limited by the phenomenon of in-stent restenosis (ISR). Until very recently, most efforts to overcome ISR had ...
Current solutions for clearing the clogged blood vessels include surgically opening the arteries and cleaning out the plaque, or the insertion of a stent that widens the blood vessel. These methods ...
Sixty-nine patients had ICA stenting and 14 had CCA stents (these were CCA bifurcated stents). Sixty-three percent were done for ≥ 70% asymptomatic carotid stenosis and 37% for strokes/transient ...