The SID synthesizer chip in the C64 does a passable job emulating a theremin, used here with a modulated pulse wave sound. It’s an impressive build and one we fully expect to see at a big ...
Following the launch of its affordable theremin last year, parent company Dubreq unveiled the CPM DS-2 at NAMM 2024, a portable modular analogue drone synth that eschews toy-like simplicity and ...
For the uninitiated, the Theremin is an electronic music instrument ... and it interfaces with a voice synthesizer to sing. There is an additional sensor that is used for the syllable sequencing ...
David Levi is an inventor and founder of MicroKits, a small company that makes STEM-focused musical instruments like the Theremin Kit and Synth-a-Sette, a tiny analogue synthesizer in the shape of a ...
Theremins are played by moving your hands near (but not touching) two antenna. One antenna controls pitch, the other controls volume. Theremins work by creating two AC currents using two capacitors ...
Remember the theremin? Controlled using a performer's ... The bow held in the left hand is mapped to multiple parameters of its internal synth engine, controlled via motion along the X, Y and ...
People initially labelled them a fabricated band, but we’ve got the Monkees to thank for being pop's first ever synth players ...