Former Reddit CEO Yishan Wong, founder of the reforestation company Terraformation, says technology companies don’t like copycats—but he wants thousands.
A new paper suggests that looking for clusters of similar planets could aid in the search for extraterrestrial life as the ...
Issue de la science-fiction, la terraformation est devenue une science étudiant la transformation de l'environnement naturel d'une planète, d'une lune ou d'un autre corps, afin d'y réunir les ...
The variation in claims about the carbon sequestration merits of replanting forests arises from the fact that there is always uncertainty when estimating the carbon stored in trees, says Victoria ...
Paid and presented by Terraformation. There's been a rise in reforestation schemes that allow consumers and corporations to offset their carbon emissions by paying to plant more trees. But some of ...
Guest post by Yishan Wong, CEO and Founder of Terraformation Inc. We already know that trees are key to solving our climate crisis. Forests offer one of the safest, cheapest, and fastest ways to ...
Progressivement, les scientifiques se sont intéressés à la terraformation, à commencer par l'américain Carl Sagan qui proposa de terraformer Vénus en 1961, à l'aide d'algues injectées dans son ...