Goethe’s “Die Leiden des jungen Werther” (The sorrows of young Werther) is a classic of world literature. But it also typifies the sorrows of learners dealing with set books school or university. In ...
Yet, that is the case with Young Werther, which premiered today at the Toronto International Film Festival. The story is based on The Sorrows of ... while Albert’s office is distinctly modern.
Arguably one of the most insufferable protagonists in literature is the title figure in Johann Wolfgang Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther ... repentant Werther tries to do Albert a ...
The young and rebellious Werther is passionately, but hopelessly, in love with Lotte. Although he knows that she is married to somebody who can offer her a secure future, Werther tries to be near her.
Goethe’s “Die Leiden des jungen Werther” (The sorrows of young Werther) is a classic of world literature. But it also typifies the sorrows of learners dealing with set books school or university. In ...