If you're wondering why you're seeing — or smelling — skunks out and about in February, well, mating season is underway. As the critters pair up this season, watch out for skunks in your yard ...
Did you ever think you’d hear the words "skunk," "anti-aircraft weaponry" and "nipple squirters" in the same sentence? Brace yourself and watch this one-minute video, where Ask Smithsonian host ...
How bad is the smell? Truly overwhelming ... high to display the anus or invert their body into a handstand. The skunk odor will linger for a while if it comes into contact with human skin ...
This spray can be used in conjunction with stronger skunk odor removal shampoos and sprays to help cover up and remove bad ...
Getting laundry to smell fresh again after a bad accident is essential; using vinegar is the first step to making that happen. Whether you got sprayed by a skunk while wearing your favorite jeans ...
The striped skunk is stout-bodied with short legs and a long, bushy, coarsely-furred tail. The head is broad at the base with short, tapered muzzle and short, rounded ears. The eyes are small and ...
City hall is closed on Monday, March 3, due to a skunk. Ashley Baudendistel, the deputy city clerk, said workers discovered the smell of a skunk around 7 a.m. “The overwhelming odor made it ...
Love and a pungent odor are in the air this week, and it has nothing to do with holidays commemorating patron saints. Skunk mating season has reached the Buckeye State in full force, according to ...