The first includes the main double pendulum-based oscillator and two sub oscillators. The double pendulum combines a sine ...
Part 1 shows how to make an oscillator with a pitch that is proportional to a control voltage. Part 2 shows how to modify the circuit for use with higher supply voltages, implement it using discrete ...
So we’ll look into an entirely different filter, the Twin-T notch filter, that turns out to be sharp enough to build a sine-wave oscillator on, and tweakable enough that we’ll make a damped ...
However, the 28.8 MHz oscillator onboard isn’t as stable ... The Fourier series tells you that a square wave is an infinite sum of sine waves. One sine wave is at the fundamental frequency ...
Most amp tremolos are based on a circuit called a phase shift oscillator. The circuit uses a single valve stage to generate a sine wave at a frequency somewhere between 1Hz and 10Hz with a loop ...
An audio waveform theoretically comprised of an infinite set of odd harmonic sine waves. It is often used in sound synthesis. See also: Fourier Theorem, Law of Superposition, Oscillator, Switch.
An audio waveform theoretically comprised of an infinite set of odd harmonic sine waves. It is often used in ... See: Fourier Theorem, Oscillator. Compare: Pulse, Sawtooth Wave. Triangular wave, its ...