Civil rights icon Ruby Bridges says she may not have made it through her first year of integrating her all-white public elementary school in 1960, if not for a first grade teacher who became her ...
Path to Integration Before a first-grader named Ruby Bridges entered that school, the state of Louisiana had tried to stop her and other black students from enrolling in all-white schools.
Bridges' latest book details her reunion with educator Barbara Henry. Civil rights activist Ruby Bridges shares insights from her latest book, "Ruby Bridges: A Talk With My Teacher." She reflects ...
Ruby Bridges, who in November 1960 became the first Black student to integrate at her all-white New Orleans public elementary school when she was only six years old, joins TODAY to share her new ...
In 1960, a six-year-old African-American girl named Ruby Bridges helped to integrate the all-white schools of New Orleans. Although she was the only black girl to come to the school she was sent ...
By Ceoli Jacoby [email protected] Over the course of 12 seasons, t Speaker Series has featured a number of trailblazing Black Americans. During the 2016 season, there was Bryan Stevenson, who began ...
The speakeasy-style D.C. bar, Allegory, is mixing whimsy and cutting-edge mixology techniques alongside storytelling and a ...