With tusks like an elephant and the body of an overgrown seal, the Pacific walrus is one blubbery beast. This ungainly animal, often gathered en masse on rocky beaches or seen riding ice floes, dives ...
where they get needed rest since they can't swim continuously. They also haul out onto sea ice to give birth, socialize, and nurse young. RANGE: The Pacific walrus is found in the arctic waters of the ...
Since walruses cannot swim continuously, they depend on sea ice platforms ... has prompted the Service to consider listing the Pacific walrus as either threatened or endangered under the Endangered ...
“There are some on-the-ground conservation measures that may help alleviate the stressors of climate change on the Pacific walrus population ... to spend more time swimming to and from ...
the Atlantic Walrus, found in the North Atlantic Ocean , and the Pacific Walrus, located in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Atlantic walruses are smaller than Pacific walruses. Walruses live to be about ...
This is almost the ENTIRE world population of Pacific Walrus - over 100,000 ... polar bears have found the walrus. Polar bears too have to swim longer distances as their sea ice resting spots ...
There are two subspecies of walrus – the Atlantic and Pacific – which both occupy different areas of the Arctic. But for both walruses, their world is changing fast. Pacific walruses, like the ones in ...