Kellie Gerardi of Jupiter, is her own kind of astronaut, one who marries science and sparkle and who wants to show other girls the way to the stars.
In a federal prison somewhere, Bradley Jackson is kicking herself and mumbling, “A pop star! Now that would’ve really rated!” The source of Ms. Jackson’s chagrin: CBS Mornings on Thursday announced ...
America at large, following the moon landing, suffered a massive outer-space hangover/letdown, where it suddenly seemed as if we’d shot our wad of exploration, and we all somehow knew that ...
the instrument will map 450 million galaxies and search for water molecules that may be clinging to space dust Sara Hashemi The Large Magellanic Cloud is one of the most well-studied galaxies ...
A team of international astronomers has identified what is believed to be the largest known superstructure in the cosmos, a discovery that could reshape our understanding of outer space.
NBC’s official description for this new episode 16 of The Irrational season 2 reads like this,”With an astronaut trapped in ...
Private citizens and companies may one day begin to permanently settle outer space and celestial bodies. But if we don’t enact governing laws in the meantime, space settlers may face legal chaos.