Images of Princess Margaret, taken by her husband Lord Snowdon ... The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking news brand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the ...
Yet not every royal is as well known or lives as public a life as others. One lesser known young royal who keeps a relatively ...
Princess Margaret, the Countess of Snowdon, was a member of the English royal family. She was the daughter of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth and the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II.
Samuel and Arthur Chatto, the sons of Lady Sarah Chatto (the only daughter of the late Princess Margaret ... off their toned physiques in a group photo that Samuel's girlfriend, Sophie Pipe ...
Princess Margaret’s grandson, Samuel Chatto, just made a major career announcement on Instagram. Here's everything you need ...
A 1978 evening dress worn by Princess Margaret is shown publicly for the first time in exhibition Dress Codes, which opens ...