Melisandre's falls down her back over a full ... Through it all, nobody bats an eye. It's Dragon Con, after all, and this is the most normal thing you may see all day. Outside, the atrium of ...
Chiefly, the Azor Ahai prophecy about a legendary Prince that was Promised who would "wake dragons out of stone" to save the day from the White Walkers. Melisandre claims to see fire visions of ...
House of the Dragon gives more details about Balerion the Black Dread, who was Aegon the Conqueror's dragon. His massive skull sits in the Red Keep in Game of Thrones, where Cersei Lannister and ...
With the possibility of Melisandre appearing in House of the Dragon season 2, the prequel could further explain why the Lord of Light needed Jon Snow alive (especially since it was Arya who killed ...
George R.R. Martin fears cut character from House of the Dragon could lead to season 3 'butterfly effect' Kit Harington agrees Game of Thrones ending was 'rushed' but says he 'didn't have another ...