The unidentified ailment has sickened 1,300 people and led to more than 50 deaths. Regardless of the cause, experts say ...
Scientists have unveiled a new tool for studying the highly variable traits that allow malaria parasites to stick to red blood cells and evade the immune system. The study, published today as a ...
Researchers identified an enzyme that helps Plasmodium-infected red blood cells adhere to the placenta, providing molecular insights into placental malaria. “This is a really lovely piece of science,” ...
Under the microscope a malaria parasite can actually be seen literally crawling inside of people’s red blood cells. In order to survive, the malaria parasite has to break down a part of the red blood ...
Duffy null blood type can protect people from malaria, as malaria parasites use the Duffy protein to enter the red blood cells and cause infection, Merz explains. Duffy null does result in a ...
Malaria itself is a parasite found in the red blood cells of an infected person. It can cause flu-like symptoms including fever, chills, shakes, muscle aches, nausea and vomiting, per the CDC.
Antimalarial drug resistance is a pressing issue in combating the spread of malaria worldwide. In a new study, researchers ...
Blood type can also affect the risk of developing blood clots. People with type A, B, or AB blood are more likely to ...
The APEH enzyme is normally found in red blood cells. However, in the case of malaria, the enzyme is taken into the parasite's cytoplasm where APEH retains its activity. The researchers' findings ...
He said: "The probability is that mosquitoes that carry diseases like malaria will eventually become resident in Ireland. Of ...