A team of researchers has developed a pioneering 3-axis Hall-effect magnetic sensor based on an inverted pyramid structure.
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The Analyzer for Cusp Electrons (ACE) is designed to measure electron activity in the region of the northern magnetospheric ...
Delft University's inverted pyramid Hall-effect sensor achieves improved sensitivity and offset reduction, enhancing ...
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) has created washable and durable ...
Magnetic materials have become indispensable to various technologies that support our modern society, such as data storage ...
This diamond, specially prepared at the atomic level, serves as a highly sensitive quantum sensor for MRI magnetic fields. When irradiated with laser light, it generates a fluorescent signal ...
A team of researchers from Nottingham Trent University, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. (Germany), and Free ...
This washable, touchless technology can allows users to interact with devices or specialised clothing by pointing a finger ...
A team of researchers has developed a pioneering 3-axis Hall-effect magnetic sensor based on an inverted pyramid structure. This innovative design ...
Researchers have invented an entirely new field of microscopy -- nuclear spin microscopy. The team can visualize magnetic signals of nuclear magnetic resonance with a microscope. Quantum sensors ...