As the time line at right shows, hundreds of times in our planet's history the polarity of the magnetic shield ensheathing the globe has gone from "normal," our current orientation to the north ...
As there-could be no magic in the case, it appeared that the balance had magnetic polarity, as no other cause could produce the effect I had witnessed, and which was repeated as often as I chose ...
Have you ever played with a magnet and stuck it in a sandy wash? It will pick up lots of black stuff. Some call it black sand; some might think ...
But now it works great, and [EmGi] even deposited an array of 64 magnets without using glue to test it out before printing a second one to handle the other polarity. Check out the build/demo video ...
The shift in polarity marks the point at which the sun is halfway through solar maximum, the height of its activity, and the beginning of the shift toward solar minimum. The sun's magnetic field ...
It took 250 years for the Laschamps reversal to take place and it stayed in the unusual orientation for about 440 years. At most, Earth's magnetic field may have remained at 25 percent of its current ...
using a gigantic magnet, can line up the protons -- or nuclei of hydrogen atoms -- in an object (or organism) to align with the north-south polarity of the magnet. A computer "reads" this to ...