Scientists at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have unveiled a groundbreaking computer code, QUADCOIL, that ...
Given the importance of this gargantuan bar magnet in our day-to-day lives, it’s worth understanding how it works — and when it doesn’t. Since the magnetic field is sustained by geological activity ...
The colloids are paramagnetic, so they only behave magnetically when they are near a magnet or an external magnetic field. Calculated ... that if the obstacle shape is chosen correctly, the ...
When an appropriate magnetic field is applied (bottom), the keyhole retains a relatively stable “I” shape, leaving 80% ... both with and without magnets, to show that thermoelectric forces ...
"When we apply a magnetic field to this process, thermoelectric forces cause a fluid flow that helps to stabilise the hole so that it resembles an 'I' shape ... and without magnets, to show ...