Labord's chameleons are only found in Western Madagascar and have developed a live fast die young life cycle to cope with the extreme environmental conditions.
Other lizards, like the green anole, can also change color. But this green-to-brown color change is much less dramatic than the vivid, distinct color and pattern changes of chameleons. Chameleons ...
We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen ...
They can be as big as 10 feet long or as tiny as half an inch, with all different unique colors, features, and abilities. But ...
Base color is tan, orange-brown, or reddish brown and typically matches the sand on which the lizard lives; the back is marked with rows of dark, circular blotches. HABITAT: The flat-tailed horned ...
The region's shinnery oaks are only four or five feet high, but they provide food, shade and a breeding ground for the small, brown dunes sagebrush lizard — otherwise known as the sand dune lizard.
Labord's chameleon is a species of chameleon, a lizard in the family Chamaeleonidae ... Chameleons are known for their ability to change color, and Labord's chameleons are no different.