They must choose between their mission and their lives, and between their destinies and the Law of Shinobi. Kagerou and Aoi soon become fugitives, pursued by the Shinobi of Shiroyama, and ...
They must choose between their mission and their lives, and between their destinies and the Law of Shinobi. Kagerou and Aoi soon become fugitives, pursued by the Shinobi of Shiroyama, and ...
4:49 - Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi (236)5:01 - Hishou Ryuuenjin (623K)5:43 - Musasabi no Mai (Air 214P after forward jump)5:50 - Kagerou no Mai (Lvl 1 Super - 236236P)6:30 - Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi ...