The Shroud of Turin, or the Holy Shroud, is believed by some to be Jesus Christ’s burial garment ... execution — including wounds from a crown of thorns. Some Christian leaders believe ...
The statue represents the figure of Jesus standing with his arms outstretched and an angel at either side, one holding a crown of thorns and the other a royal crown. The spherical building that ...
The linen cloth many believe is the burial shroud of Jesus Christ draws thousands of pilgrims during rare public displays ...
Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor's headquarters ... and after twisting some thorns into a crown, they put it on his head. They put a reed in his right hand and ...
I know it's part of getting older, but when my husband was told to go to the ER because a clinical trial EKG had revealed an irregular heartbeat, I was startled almost into one of my own.
He sits outside my window, small, neat and feisty with a scarlet face. Legend has it that one of his forebears tried to remove the crown of thorns from the head of Jesus but, in doing so, a sharp ...