Jackie Robinson is an American hero. But he was not treated like one in a confounding move by the United States Department of ...
The Department of Defense website no longer includes a page about Jackie Robinson's military service, part of a 'DEI content' ...
President Donald Trump announced last month that Jackie Robinson would be added to his planned National Garden of American ...
Before he broke baseball’s color barrier, Jackie Robinson served in the U.S. Army, but new federal policies have led to his ...
Jackie Robinson is one of the greatest baseball players ever yet the Department of Defense wiped the army vet's story from ...
Robinson had boarded an Army bus on July 6, 1944 and was ordered by the driver to move to the back, but refused. He was later ...
An article detailing baseball icon Jackie Robinson's military history was removed from the Department of Defense's website ...
Many sports fans are not happy that Jackie Robinson's U.S. Army history was deleted by the Pentagon from the Department of ...
An article highlighting Jackie Robinson’s military service in World War II and his historic role as the first Black player in ...