Three months after Hartford Wolf Pack captain Casey Fitzgerald had his neck sliced mid-game, his father Tom Fitzgerald, the ...
Anderson's use of cut-resistant pants likely prevented a severe injury, but comfort still appears to be a bigger priority ...
It's kind of amazing there aren't more skate-induced injuries in NHL games, although there are plenty of players who take ...
Tom Fitzgerald and wife Kerry watched their son Casey's American Hockey League game on a cellphone at a restaurant bar on Dec ...
The Devils GM's son Casey got 25 stitches in his throat area after a skate-blade cut in an AHL game in December.
Casey Fitzgerald was wearing a cut-resistant neck guard, which is mandated in the AHL, but the skate sliced him above the ...
Three months after Hartford Wolf Pack captain Casey Fitzgerald had his neck sliced mid-game, his father Tom Fitzgerald, the general manager for the New Jersey Devils, recounted the scary experience.
He had been cut by a skate blade just above his neck ... "The good news is, is the players, almost all the players that are coming into the National Hockey League, playing their first game in ...