In chaotic political times, when our health and spirits feel low, a long walk may be just the restorative medicine we need ...
2 Of the creative spirits that flourished in Concord, Massa chusetts, during the middle of the nineteenth century, it might be said that Hawthorne loved men but felt estranged from them, Emerson loved ...
The U.S. author and philosopher Henry D. Thoreau (1817-1862) was in his late 20s when he built himself a hut on the shores of Walden Pond in Greater Boston, Massachusetts, where he lived a life of ...
In October of 2015, the New Yorker magazine ran an article by award-winning journalist Kathryn Schulz ttitled “Pond Scum: The Real Henry David Thoreau.” (The title was later changed in the ...
WARMINSTER, PA —Poet and Philosopher Henry David Thoreau may have lived in Walden Woods, but he will be spending some time this weekend at the Warminster Township Free Library. The library is ...
The detailed notes that Henry David Thoreau kept about weather, plants, and seasons are helping scientists measure the effects of global warming. This story appears in the July 2016 issue of ...