How do you choreograph “To be or not to be”? That is the question, or at least one of them, for anybody looking to make a ...
The title role in Shakespeare’s enduring tragedy Hamlet is on the bucket list for many actors wishing to challenge their ...
She just gave a really good reading. We decided, ‘That’s our Hamlet.’” Other major changes: Horatio is being played by a woman. For the roles of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, one actor is ...
Visit BBC Webwise for full instructions Christopher Plummer played Hamlet and his best friend Horatio was played by a young Michael Caine – his only filmed Shakespearean role. Made to celebrate ...
A union of creativity from Thom Yorke, Steven Hoggett and Christine Jones… Full cast and creative team have recently been ...
Hamlet and Horatio are to the left of the photograph, watching as Ophelia's body is lowered into her grave.
Don John was also played as and by a female. In Hamlet, three other major characters, Rosencranz, Guilderstein and Horatio are also cast without regard to gender. Helmer insists the gender switch ...
leaving only the dying Hamlet, cradled by his friend Horatio. It is an impressively clutter-free death spree, which ensures the tragic hero has our full attention in the play’s final moments.