Since 1861, Great Expectations has been printed with illustrations ... The preface was written by George Bernard Shaw, a great admirer of Dickens, who called this his "most compactly perfect book." ...
Few authors have left a mark on literature as much as Charles Dickens. With novels packed ... it’s a gripping and emotional read. 3. Great Expectations 842,787 ratings | 3.80 average rating ...
and Great Expectations. Charles John Huffam Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 at what was then 1 Mile End Terrace (now 393 Commercial Road), Landport in Portsmouth, Hampshire, to Elizabeth and ...
Great Expectations ... Dickens bibliographer John Eckel, "nearly the entire first edition [of 1000 copies] was bought up by the libraries." These were lending libraries, which charged a fee for those ...