Changes in Earth’s orbit drive long-term glacial cycles, but a new forecast suggests this ancient pattern is being disrupted for tens of thousands of years due to human-induced global warming ...
Scientists have determined exactly how Earth's orbit and tilt affect glaciation and deglaciation, based on the length of ...
For many millions of years, our planet has experienced glacial periods followed by warmer periods. A crucial role in these ...
“And because we are now living in an interglacial period – called the Holocene – we are also able to provide an initial ...
"Such a transition to a glacial state in 10,000 years' time is very unlikely to happen, because human emissions of carbon ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in ...
By analyzing hundreds of zircon grains from rocks deposited before, during, and after glacial periods, the team could trace ...
The research, published Thursday, February 27, in the journal Science, found a strong connection between Earth’s axial tilt ...
If you've ever looked at Mars through a telescope, you probably noticed its two polar ice caps. The northern one is made ...
Beginning around 2.5 million years ago, Earth entered an era marked by successive ice ages and interglacial periods, emerging ...