Daenerys was arguably the most popular character in Game of Thrones, and her most important episodes, like Mhysa and Fire and ...
The Game of Thrones series finale is counted among the most divisive moments in television history. After years of ...
Robb Stark and Daenerys Targaryen is a romance that Game of Thrones fandom still believe could have worked, but they couldn’t ...
Bringing back Daenerys Targaryen should a Game of Thrones season 9 happen is not a good idea and fans need to move on from ...
Daenerys Targaryen is considered one of the main protagonists on "Game of Thrones" - avid viewers can ... After marrying Khal Drogo, Daenerys headed east towards Vaes Dothrak with her new ...
Daenerys Targaryen In the context of Game of Thrones, Daenerys took the fact that her brother Viserys burned when Khal Drogo poured a vat of molten gold over his head as proof that he was not a ...
Would you know the Mother of Dragons, Khal Drogo, Jon Snow ... Here’s how 22 actors on Game of Thrones look compared to their characters.