Our ACGME-accredited Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Residency Training Program benefits from the broad range of expertise shared by our faculty. Fellowship programs available in our department ...
To become a forensic pathologist, typically one has to go through minimum of 13 years of post high school education and training. Considering this career heavily relies on biology, chemistry, physics, ...
Like most medical subspecialties, forensic pathology takes years of training -- typically, four years of medical school, followed by three to four years of training in anatomical or clinical ...
The pathologists in the office are full faculty in the Forensic Division of the Department of Pathology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. This arrangement has served Jefferson County well ...
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Saint Louis University School of Medicine offers a one-year ... offers a 12-month accredited fellowship training program in forensic pathology at the City ...
In the United States, there are 49 forensic pathology fellowship programs. The ASCL-UAMS program is one of 36 programs certified to participate in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).