A flower-shaped structure only a few micrometers in size made of a nickel-iron alloy can concentrate and locally enhance ...
Point the fingers of your right hand in the same direction as the current is flowing in the coil. Your thumb points to the north pole of the electromagnet. The magnetic field produced by the ...
A coil with an iron core is called an electromagnet. The iron core increases the coil’s magnetic field strength. A simple electromagnet is made by coiling wire around an iron nail. An iron core ...
Nearly two centuries after Faraday's failed attempts, scientists have demonstrated that Earth's continuous spin can directly ...
While technically not an electromagnet ... The coil is fed with AC. The magnetic field from the coil induces an opposite field in the copper ring that is out of phase with the exciting field.
The Hall switch JZ8002C/0.5m, which functions as an active magnetic-electrical conversion device, is indispensable in various sectors, including light manufacturing and printing. This article ...
The ability to conduct heat is one of the most fundamental properties of matter, crucial for engineering applications.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a method to noninvasively stimulate neurons in the brain and induce immediate or long term changes in activity. Stimulation is mediated by electromagnetic ...