Likewise, a wire passing through a magnetic field creates an electric current within the wire. This is the basic principle that allows electric motors and generators to operate. In the Earth (see ...
The use of multi-resolution needlet frames on the sphere for analysis of scalar random fields is extended to construct localized and parsimonious representation of vector fields that ... An accurate ...
If it weren’t for the magnetic field that surrounds our planet, blocking cosmic radiation and solar wind, Earth would likely have little atmosphere to speak of. Life (at least of the human variety) ...
The Earth's magnetic field shields life from harmful solar and cosmic radiation. A weakening field could increase genetic mutations, potentially raising cancer rates. Additionally, a reversal ...
Would a dramatic change in the Earth's magnetic field affect creatures that rely on it during migration? Late on a January night in 1993 I found myself on a beach on the Pacific coast of Costa ...
When the Earth’s magnetic field is strong, as it is today, the amount of carbon generated by this interaction is relatively low, but it spikes when the magnetic field weakens and allows more ...
Our moon and Mars have magnetic fields, but they are far weaker than Earth’s, meaning you would ... agencies use special compasses known as vector magnetometers, which measure not only the ...
Their analysis showed the complex magnetic field can determine increases in module fill factor and falls in maximum power. Researchers at the Multimedia University of Kenya have claimed the Earth ...
Now, though, a controversial new paper warns that falling space junk could actually weaken Earth’s magnetic field. If that happens, the author of the paper argues that we could see atmospheric ...