Left, a fossilized thecamoebian believed to have lived 720-635 mya. Right, a specimen from a group of modern amoebozoan testate amoebae Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the ...
Around 600 million years ago, Earth was home to strange, soft-bodied sea creatures, but a powerful asteroid impact in what is ...
The Radcliffe Wave is a massive, undulating structure filled with dense clouds of gas and dust, stretching across several ...
About 800 million years ago, oxygen levels reached about 21 percent and began to breathe life into more complex organisms. The oxygen-rich ozone layer was also established, shielding the Earth's ...
From 3 billion years ago to roughly 600 million years ago—right at the dawn of complex life on the planet—the Earth’s oceans would’ve been significantly more green than they are today.