After a filling, you may notice that your bite feels slightly off. This is particularly common if the filling is in a molar ...
One of the teeth then filled with gold is now entirely gone, and several others have had their filling renewed, but the one filled with tin is as good as it was on the day the operation was performed.
Smoking and other tobacco use can cause oral health problems like gum disease and tooth decay ... can result from poor dental health habits and may be a sign of other health problems.
Wilson claimed Molldrem conducted 32 procedures on 28 teeth during the single visit, including four root canals, eight dental crowns, and 20 fillings ... to experience any side effects.
Some best treatments for severe tooth pain based on common causes: For tooth decay/cavities: Dental fillings ... Cold ...
The only real side effect is an uncommon one called fluorosis, a cosmetic discoloration of the teeth if someone gets a little too much fluoride. Dental experts acknowledged that recent opposition ...
She listed the side effects to include tooth sensitivity ... “Whitening products can discolour or damage dental restorations like crowns, fillings, and veneers. Also in some cases, ingesting ...