We're not really seeing things! The Mother of Dragons really returned on the season finale of House of the Dragon Season 2.
But only one team will survive, putting the bloodline of Daenerys Targaryen forward. Like ClutchPoints’ content? Be sure to follow us. The post House of the Dragon Season 2 trailer breakdown ...
As he told Brienne privately in Season 2, that supposedly dishonorable act of treason was actually done to save hundreds of thousands of innocent lives. Daenerys' father had instructed Jaime to ...
George R.R. Martin’s upcoming installment, The Winds of Winter, might revisit Daenerys’ important scene in the novels that ...
You may also like Game of Thrones season 8: is this proof that Daenerys is the Mad Queen? So what does all of this prove? Well, the vehement reaction to Daenerys Targaryen’s “smugness” is a ...
George R.R. Martin fears cut character from House of the Dragon could lead to season ... 2 finale pulled off that major Game of Thrones moment House of the Dragon co-creator clarifies Daenerys ...